‘The Monodzukuri
Nippon Grand Award’ presented by the
prime minister of Japan originated in 2005. ‘Monodzukuri’ is an art of making goods that
has supported Japanese culture and industry. This award was established to
recognize the ongoing development of monodzukuri and pass it on to the coming
era by rewarding those individuals whose achievements are on the cutting edge
of monodzukuri, and thus widely disseminating those achievements throughout the
world. The technologies and products developed by these individuals can be
fittingly described as ‘the world’s first’ or ‘No.1 in the world,’ and indeed represent precious
assets of which Japan can be proud. The Award recognizes their skills and
spirit for worldwide publication. The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry,
the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, the Ministry of Health,
Labour and Welfare, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and
Technology, promote this Award, which is
presented once every two years.